sexual orientation

Bloomberg Law Reports on Discrimination Lawsuit Against Polsinelli Law Firm

March 31, 2021 — Bloomberg Law reports on a lawsuit filed by Brewer client Trey Monsour against Polsinelli PC law firm in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas alleging discrimination. 

Bloomberg reports, "Polsinelli PC's push to increase its level of diversity and inclusion was just an empty attempt to shed its reputation as a Midwestern, 'good old boys' law firm, for which its 800-plus workforce pay 'the real-world consequences,' a gay former partner charges in a federal lawsuit in Texas." 

Bloomberg reports that Monsour, a former Polsinelli bankruptcy partner who is gay, alleged in the lawsuit that he was treated differently from than other similarly situated non-LGBTQ Polsinelli employees. According to the suit, he was denied the assistance of junior attorneys and administrative support that almost all other newly hired partners received. 

Bloomberg reports that the lawsuit charges that Polsinelli's commitment to diversity was "nothing more than a marketing ploy." The lawsuit alleges that he was discriminated against based on his sexual orientation and age. 

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Brewer News Release - Discrimination Lawsuit Filed Against Polsinelli Law Firm

March 31, 2021 – Brewer client Trey A. Monsour, a prominent bankruptcy attorney, filed a lawsuit against the law firm Polsinelli PC alleging discrimination based on sexual orientation.  

Mr. Monsour worked as a partner in the Bankruptcy Practice Group in the firm’s Houston office. 

Filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, on March 30, 2021, the lawsuit alleges discriminatory treatment of Mr. Monsour, an openly gay man, after he became an equity partner in June 2017 in its then newly founded Houston office.  

According to the complaint, Mr. Monsour, was quickly subjected to harassment, denied adequate support and resources, and terminated for his sexual orientation.  

The lawsuit claims Polsinelli violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and committed Fraudulent Inducement, among other claims.  

“Mr. Monsour alleges he was discriminated against at Polsinelli law firm because he is gay,” says William A. Brewer III, partner at Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors and counsel to Mr. Monsour. “By any measure, Mr. Monsour is a successful and established attorney. He brings this lawsuit to expose what he believes is a troubling pattern of discrimination based on sexual orientation at Polsinelli – and to champion a call for diversity, tolerance and inclusion in the legal industry.”     

According to the complaint, “From the outset, Polsinelli treated Mr. Monsour differently from other similarly situated non-LGBTQ employees. Whereas almost all newly hired partners were invariably provided with associate and administrative support, the firm denied Mr. Monsour these basic resources, despite his repeated appeals to management for help.”   

The complaint says, “Polsinelli’s adverse employment actions were made on the basis of Mr. Monsour’s protected age and sexual orientation, a fact starkly punctuated by derogatory comments by firm leaders regarding gay employees that Mr. Monsour overheard firsthand, as well as observations and stories of contemporaneous experiences relayed by Mr. Monsour’s colleagues.”   

The complaint alleges that Polsinelli’s self-proclaimed commitment to diversity and inclusion on its website and in marketing materials is a ruse. In fact, diversity numbers remain low at the firm. Mr. Monsour claims that he was induced to join the 800-lawyer firm, based on its public representations and “commitment” to diversity and inclusion.  

Joining William A. Brewer III in representing Mr. Monsour is William A. Brewer IV. 

Law360 Reports on LGBT Bias Suit Brought By Bankruptcy Attorney

March 31, 2021 — Law360 reports that Brewer client Trey A. Monsour, who is a prominent bankruptcy attorney, has filed a lawsuit in Texas federal court against the law firm Polsinelli PC, accusing the firm of discriminating against him based on his sexual orientation. 

Monsour, a former partner at the firm who is gay, alleges that the firm began discriminating against him after he was hired as a partner in the firm's Houston office in 2017. 

William A. Brewer III, who represents Monsour in the suit, said in a statement that his client is suing "to expose what he believes is a troubling pattern of discrimination based on sexual orientation at Polsinelli — and to champion a call for diversity, tolerance and inclusion in the legal industry." 

Law360 reports that according to the lawsuit filing, "Whereas almost all newly hired partners were invariable provided with associate and administrative support, the firm denied Mr. Monsour these basic resources, despite his repeated appeals to management for help.” The suit alleges that firm leaders also made "derogatory comments" regarding gay employees and that Monsour felt "isolated and without recourse." 

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