Business Insider: NRA Pushes Back Against NY Attorney General's Demand for Independent Monitor

On June 7, 2022, Business Insider published an article stating that Brewer client the NRA is "fighting back against New York Attorney General (NYAG) Letitia James' demand for an independent monitor who would oversee the gun group's operations, calling the idea 'intrusive, unnecessary and unprecedented.'"

On March 2, 2022, a New York court struck down attempts by NYAG James to dissolve the NRA – delivering a big win for the NRA. Since that loss, the NYAG "has amended her complaint but added no new factual allegations," the NRA states in its new court filing. 

"Rather, she asserts a new cause of action which seeks the intrusive, unnecessary and unprecedented appointment of an 'independent' compliance monitor to oversee the administration of the NRA, answerable to the NYAG's own office as well as the Court," the filing says. 

"There is no colorable practical need, and no legal basis, for the NYAG to contrive a de facto takeover of the NRA to replace her defunct dissolution claims," according to the filing. 

"Rather, the parties should proceed with discovery and trial on the NYAG's previously existing claims, and the new one should be dismissed."

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