September 10, 2018 — The New York Law Journal reports that Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors Partner Sarah Rogers today represented the NRA in arguments in federal court in New York. The coverage appears on the front page of the NYLJ print edition in an article titled “NRA: Discovery Could Show State Coerced Companies Cut Ties.” The NRA alleges that the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) and Governor Andrew Cuomo violated the NRA’s First Amendment rights in connection with regulatory guidance issued to financial institutions urging them not to do business with the NRA.
The coverage noted that Rogers argued that a press release issued by the DFS included targeted language from DFS Superintendent Maria Vullo. Rogers reportedly argued that “Incurring the favor and disfavor of DFS is going to be very important to any insurer in New York.” Rogers additionally argued that the lawsuit is over state regulation the NRA argues will limit its advocacy efforts. She reportedly added, “The NRA does not sue Governor Cuomo for criticizing it… What he can’t do is issue official regulatory directives.”