New York Post Reports on Lawsuit Brought by Dallas Investor

December 11, 2018 — The New York Post reports on a lawsuit filed by Brewer firm client and Dallas investor Mark Hurley against Emigrant Bank and New York billionaire Howard Milstein. 

The article, “Milstein heir dished divorce dirt on business rival: suit,” reports that Milstein allegedly hired a private investigator to follow Hurley “to gain leverage in a contentious business deal” as the pair “tangled” over the sale of the Fiduciary Network, a private-equity vehicle. 

The lawsuit was filed on Dec. 7, 2018, in the District Court of Dallas County, Texas. According to the complaint, “This case involves a multi-year scorched-earth campaign, led by New York real-estate and banking scion Howard Milstein, to wrest control of a once-successful business (for pennies on the dollar) by disrupting its contractual relationships and defaming its founder.”

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