New York Law Journal Reports on Firm’s Advocacy for NRA

August 24, 2018 — The New York Law Journal reports that the NRA today submitted a new filing in federal court in New York urging a federal judge to reject a motion by the state of New York to reject the organization’s lawsuit. The NRA alleges that the state violated the NRA’s First Amendment Rights in connection with regulatory guidance issued to financial institutions urging them not to do business with the NRA. 

The article quoted Partner William Brewer, lead attorney for the NRA in the matter. Brewer said of the state’s motion to dismiss, “They created a narrative that they want to respond to with little or no resemblance to the complaint we actually brought that they seek to dismiss.”

“The NRA is not complaining about the fact that defendants seek to regulate insurance generally, or inquire about Carry Guard specifically,” Brewer added. “What the NRA is complaining about is that defendants are attempting to coerce insurance companies and banks to blacklist the NRA—to extinguish what are concededly lawful business relationships. And, at least in some instances, we already know they’ve been successful.”

Brewer also emphasized, “Government officials have First Amendment rights too.” He added, “But when government officials use their position to coerce private actors, not persuade them, to adopt a particular point of view, that conduct is subject to strict scrutiny.”

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