FOX News Reports on NRA’s Argument Before Supreme Court

March 18, 2024 – FOX News reports today on arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court in a leading First Amendment case – NRA v. Vullo.

As reported, “Before the high court is the case National Rifle Association of America v. Vullo, which questions whether a government regulator threatens regulated entities with adverse regulatory actions if they do business with a controversial speaker, allegedly because of the government's own hostility to the speaker's viewpoint, violates the First Amendment.” Oral arguments are set for March 18.

FOX reports, “Dozens of political leaders, lawmakers, scholars and organizations have filed or joined amicus briefs in support of the NRA’s position, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)…”

"Public officials cannot be allowed to abuse their regulatory powers to blacklist an organization just because they oppose its political views. If New York is allowed to do this to the NRA, it will provide a playbook for other state officials to abuse their authority to target groups they don’t like," said ACLU Legal Director David Cole.

"This case is important to the NRA and all advocacy organizations who rely upon the protections of the First Amendment," says NRA counsel and Brewer Partner William A. Brewer III. "Many groups will benefit when the Court reminds government officials that they cannot use intimidation tactics, backdoor censorship, or regulatory blacklisting to silence those with whom they disagree."

Fox Reports on “Outpouring of Support” for NRA in SCOTUS Case

January 18, 2024 – Fox News reports that dozens of political leaders, lawmakers, scholars and other organizations have filed or joined amicus briefs at the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the National Rifle Association's (NRA) First Amendment lawsuit against former New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) Superintendent Maria Vullo.

The NRA is represented in the case by Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and First Amendment scholar Eugene Volokh. 

In a May 2018 lawsuit, the NRA alleged that Vullo conspired to use DFS' regulatory power to “financially blacklist” the NRA – coercing banks and insurers to cut ties with the Association to suppress its pro-Second Amendment speech.

"This support from organizations and scholars across the political divide validates the NRA’s position: New York government officials violated the First Amendment when they weaponized the powers of their office to silence a perceived political enemy. As evidenced in the chorus of voices that emerged, this case is important to not only the NRA but to all who engage in public advocacy," NRA counsel William A. Brewer III told Fox News.

Fox reports that 190 individuals and organizations filed 22 amicus briefs in support of the NRA’s legal battle. One filing, led by Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, was joined by 22 other state attorneys general. 

"In their quest to erase the Second Amendment, anti-gun politicians in New York violated the First Amendment rights of the National Rifle Association and its millions of members, using mafia-style tactics to try to silence their voices," Knudsen told Fox.

In addition, Sen. Ted Budd (R-NC) and Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) were joined by 81 members of the U.S. Congress in a brief filed earlier this week. 

"The participation of more than 100 federal lawmakers and attorneys general represents a united front against government overreach, emphasizing the need to protect the rights of all Americans. This case extends beyond the NRA; it's about safeguarding the fundamental liberties that form the cornerstone of our democracy," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Randy Kozuch.

National Law Journal Reports on ACLU Joining Brewer in First Amendment Case

December 13, 2023 — The National Law Journal reports that the ACLU is joining the Brewer firm as co-lead counsel in a First Amendment lawsuit for the NRA, NRA v. Vullo, which will soon be heard before the Supreme Court. 

The article states that, while the ACLU has faced criticism for this "rare alliance" with the NRA, the organization "chose to partner with Brewer and the NRA, believing the First Amendment issue sufficiently important to cross ideological lines and try to secure the best possible outcome in the Supreme Court."

Securing the ACLU's support, the article notes, is a coup. 

“At a certain point you can only have so many people on the team and make it an effective team that collaborates in the advocacy,” said William A. Brewer III, partner at Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors and counsel for the NRA. “And we’re blessed to have some superstars.”

Brewer Comments on ACLU Joining Firm as Co-Counsel in First Amendment Supreme Court Case


December 11, 2023 – Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors joins the National Rifle Association of America (NRA) in welcoming the ACLU as co-counsel in the NRA’s First Amendment case against former New York State financial regulator Maria T. Vullo. 

The Brewer firm has represented the NRA in this matter since its inception, and the United States Supreme Court accepted the case for review on November 3, 2023.
The case has become among the most closely watched First Amendment cases in the country. 

 As reported by The New York Times, “…when the Supreme Court agreed to hear the NRA’s free speech challenge to what it said were a New York official’s efforts to blacklist it, one of the lawyers had a bold idea. Why not ask the ACLU to represent it before justices?”

 “The NRA might be thought of as the 800-pound gorilla on the Second Amendment…clearly, the ACLU is the 800-pound gorilla on the First Amendment,” firm partner Bill Brewer told the Times. 

Brewer stated today, “We look forward to collaborating with the ACLU, Eugene Volokh, and others on this advocacy team. These lawyers and dozens of amici speak to the importance of the NRA’s case and sends a powerful message to New York State regulators: the NRA will always defend its right to free speech.”

Joining Brewer in representing the NRA are ACLU Legal Director David Cole, attorney Eugene Volokh, firm partner Sarah B. Rogers and firm counsel Noah B. Peters.

ACLU Backs Brewer Client NRA After New York AG's Action

August 26, 2020 – The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is backing Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors client the National Rifle Association (NRA) as New York Attorney General (NYAG) Letitia James attempts to dissolve the organization.  

ACLU National Legal Director David Cole wrote a commentary published in The Wall Street Journal titled, “The NRA Has a Right to Exist: New York Attorney General Letitia James’ attempt to dissolve the 150-year-old organization is unconstitutional government overreach."   

Cole writes that, “Our democracy is premised on the right of association. The First Amendment protects not only the right to speak, but also to band together with others to advance one’s views. Making or resisting change in a democracy requires collective action, and a healthy democracy therefore demands a robust ‘civil society.’ The right to associate can’t survive if officials can shut down organizations with which they disagree.” 

Cole points out that the NRA’s lengthy history includes “a range of lawful and properly tax-exempt pursuits” – including teaching gun safety, educating the public and lobbying for gun rights laws.  

He also observed that two years ago, the ACLU supported the NRA’s lawsuit against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo charging that he had violated the group’s First Amendment rights.  Read more.