January 9, 2012 – The Pioneer Press reports today on firm client 3M Company and its efforts to hold Met Council responsible for alleged contamination due to certain chemicals produced by the company. The article explains 3M filed a counterclaim against Met Council – alleging that the planning agency “dumps chemicals into the river form its even waste treatment plants.”
The article quotes firm partner William Brewer, who notes the chemicals must be coming from sources other than 3M. He observes 3M stopped making PFOS in 2002. So, 10 years later, why is the chemical still being found in the Mississippi River, the reporting asks. Brewer told the Press it must be that it is coming from other sources than 3M. The article notes that Minnesota AG Lori Swanson filed a lawsuit against 3M.
To read the article “3M Turns Tables on Met Council in Mississippi River Pollution Trial,” click here.